Leader: Assoc. Professor P. Benardos
Funded by: Erasmus+ programme
Amount (€): 100.000
Timeframe: 1/10/2023 – 30/9/2026
The project aims to improve the training and assessment of professionals and life-long education students in the field of CNC machine tool operation through the use of Extended Reality (XR), by developing a training platform, an assessment system, and a comprehensive curriculum. The ultimate goal is to enhance the skills and knowledge of the target group,
increase their employability and career prospects, and contribute to the overall competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. The activities to be implemented include researching the current state of VR/AR technology in machining, collecting input from entrepreneurs and experts in the field, developing the XR training platform, designing exercise scenarios for VR/AR
simulation, programming and testing applications, and conducting exercises with the target group of trainee. The final step will involve refining the exercises and incorporating them into the curricula of three universities and VET providers.
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