The manufacturing Technology Lab (MTL) is part of the Section of Manufacturing Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.
The core staff includes:
- 4 Faculty Members
- 1 Special Teaching Member
- 1 Administrative/Technical Member
- 1 Special Technical and Laboratory Member
- 1 Administrative Member.
MTL teaching and research activities cover the following subjects:

Engineering Materials

Machine Tools

Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Systems

MTL is located in NTUA's Zografou Campus, School of Mechanical Engineering Building "Ξ" and its premises cover a total area of 3300 m2, spread over 3 levels, comprising:
- 2 main areas of machine tools
- 10 smaller areas/rooms with machine tools, robotic arms and measuring setups
- 2 teaching rooms, with one acting as a PC Lab
- 4 rooms for PhD Students and Researchers
- 1 meeting/presentation room
MTL and its staff support several teaching activities:
- 16 undergraduate courses (including 6 core courses or equivalently 1/6th of the School's Undergraduate Core Curriculum, with approx. 1200 enrolled students annually and 2 laboratory exercises per course)
- 4 postgraduate courses with 120 enrolled students annually
- 35 undergraduate final year projects
- 8 postgraduate final year projects
MTL and its staff support several research activities:
- 25 ongoing PhD projects
- 27 funded research projects in the last 20 years
- 5-7 directly funded projects by industrial companies annually