
Leader: Assoc. Professor A. Markopoulos

Funded by: ERASMUS+ programme

Amount (€): 320.115,00 €

NTUA budget (€): 64.750,00 €


The ErgoDesign project is aimed at creating a new interdisciplinary Curriculum which covers different topics (from ergonomics to bioengineering), taking into consideration the requirements of the people with special needs, in order to create a more inclusive care system, where everybody is taken care of. The project is going to increase the inclusion and diversity, as it will improve the competencies of designer and producer of 3D implants for medical purposes.

Advanced tools for 3D design and 3D printings are nowadays available, and new materials and working methods have been discovered, providing new opportunities for boosting innovation in the field of ergonomic and bioengineering solutions for medical purposes. Project partners want to gather these competences bringing them together in a new e-learning course mixing both theory and practical exercises. The project General Objective is to support the introduction of ergonomic and bioengineering innovations in implantology and prosthetics by adopting new digital applications and training in their use.

Objective and main achievements:

  • Enhance students’ knowledge in ergonomics and bioengineering, and their digital skills for designing and producing 3D printed medical products
  • Increase knowledge necessary for designing healthcare implants for individuals with special needs
  • Expand trainers’ knowledge of software and digital tools, including their use and adaptation for training purposes
  • Improve students’ employability in the medical implants sector
  • Create a community of practice focused on ergonomics and bioengineering topics