Teaching Staff:
P. Benardos
Course Description:
Screws and fixing with screws. Drawing of the basic machine elements (shafts, bearings, gears, connection elements etc.). Hole and shaft fits. Shape and position tolerances. Surface roughness. Mechanical assembly drawings. Drawings of welded structures. 3D CAD modeling of assemblies and welded structures. Toolboxes. Extraction of design drawings with bill of materials. Advanced tools for drawing & control. Practice on 3DCAD software.
The course is complemented with three compulsory exercises of free hand sketching and conventional drawing of real machine components, as well as machine tool workshop practice. The final written exam consists of two parts. The first one is pertinent to the conventional drawing and the second one to the design using modern 3D-CAD software.
MTL is responsible for delivering the machine tool workshop related activities as follows:
1. CNC programming and simulation
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